Legend: [ BRCA1 full legend ]
Path.: Variant pathogenicity, in the format Reported/Concluded; '+' indicating the variant is pathogenic, '+?' probably pathogenic, '-' no known pathogenicity, '-?' probably no pathogenicity, '?' effect unknown. Exon: Standard BRCA1 (or BRCA2) exon numbering. DNA change: Sequence variant name in HGVS cDNA sequence based nomenclature. BIC DNA change: Sequence variant name in older BIC nomenclature. Protein change: Sequence variant name in HGVS protein amino acid sequence based nomenclature. Posterior P: Posterior probability in favor of pathogenicity. IARC Class: Qualitative classification in the 5-grade IARC classification scheme. Key Observational Reference: Key Observational Reference Prior P reference: Literature source of the sequence analysis based prior probability in favor of pathogenicity used in the integrated evaluation displayed here. Missense analysis Prior P: This prior probability estimate combines position in the protein with an Align-GVGD based evaluation of missense substitutions that fall in the protein's key functional domains. Splicing prior P: This prior probability estimate evaluates the sequence variant's probability to damage a splice donor, damage a splice acceptor, or create a de novo splice donor. Other Prior P: Custom Priors other than missense or splice (short legend) Combined prior P: The combined prior probability in favor of pathogenicity. is a combination of the missense analysis prior probability and the splicing analysis prior probability. Generally, it is the higher of the two sequence analysis-based prior probabilities. Segregation LR: The likelihood ratio based on segregation analysis. Pathology LR: The likelihood ratio based on tumor pathology and/ or tumor immunohistochemistry. Sum Family LR: The likelihood ratio based on an analysis of the severity of summary family histories of breast and/ or ovarian cancer. Co-occurrence LR: The likelihood ratio based on the frequency of co-occurrence between the variant of interest and clearly pathogenic variants in the same gene. case-control LR: case-control likelihood ratios from iCOGS (short legend) Product of LRs: The product of all of the likelihood ratios Comments: alternate references, caveats, and additional information. BRCA1 DB-ID: Database IDentifier; When available, links to OMIM ID's are provided. Disease: Disease phenotype, as reported in paper/by submitter, unless modified by the curator. Reference: Reference describing the variation, "Submitted:" indicating that the mutation was submitted directly to this database. Template: Variant detected in DNA, RNA and/or Protein. Technique: Technique used to detect the variation. # Reported: Number of times this case has been reported