LOVD Setup
System logs
Removing log entries
To remove a single log entry or a range, first select the log you wish to remove entries from. Every line contains a red cross. Clicking this red cross will immediately remove the entry from the system log.
You can also remove log entries older than a certain number of days. For that, use the red box on the top right-hand side. Fill in a number in the "Delete entries older than" field, and press the "Delete" button. This will remove all log entries in the selected system log older than the number of days filled in.
Please note that when using this functionality, LOVD will ignore any search terms you have entered. All log entries older than the specified number of days will be removed, even if they do not match your search terms and if they are therefore not currently shown on your screen. |
To empty an entire system log, click the checkbox "Delete all entries in log" and click the "Delete" button. This will also remove the system log from the system log overview, until it contains a new log entry.